I really would like to be better, so here's a post to help get me on my way.
Summer went by very quickly. In July we headed up to McCall, Idaho for my family reunion, then I went to Pasco to ostensibly spend five days with my parents while Jeremiah went home to work. Thanks to a hailstorm in Denver that took out 18 aircraft and cancelled hundreds of flights (mine included), I didn't make it home for a week and a half. It was nice to be with my parents and get to spend time with my adorable nephew Phoenix, though.
At the beginning of August we went to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina for a week with Jeremiah's parents. It was so humid!!! But I really liked swimming in the ocean (not something I've ever done before and yes, I was a little nervous about sharks since I've heard so much about bull shark attacks on the Atlantic) and biking throughout the island.
I've been taking a digital design class through jessicasprague.com and I'm really excited about it. I think I may actually be able to contend as a digital scrapbooking designer. In the next few weeks I hope to start applying to online shops.
I am still doing online therapy for TinyEYE Therapy Services. My Alberta schools did not renew (it wasn't me, I promise) so I'm working with schools in Saskatchewan, including one of the ones where I tested. I am working approximately 13 hours a week, or will be when all of the schools are ready to start therapy. So far it's going well, although most of me would rather dedicate my time to designing.
That's our summer in a nutshell. I've purchased some website/blog themes that I'm going to try and use for a more professional looking site as I try to move into designing and maybe try to resurrect Blink Memories so this blog may be moving. We shall see...

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