Thursday, September 30, 2010

Photo Walk

Ok, so here's my post for today.  It's actually about my walk yesterday since I only made it to the gym today (it was a killer workout with my trainer).

I love our neighborhood.  It's a good mix of small town and country.  Just two blocks away, our farmer neighbors have an area where they keep a lot of equipment and it made for some neat pictures.  Check out my photo blog for all of them.  This one is my favorite, though.  There's just something about an old silo that makes me think about homemade wheat bread, knitting by the fire and fiddle music.  :)  Yes, I'm aware of the fact that I may be a little odd.  Anyway, there's my post for today!  Hopefully they'll get better.  Now to wipe down my dirty cat who decided to stay out for 24 hours and made me think he was lying in one of my picturesque fields, well, never mind...


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Blog Challenge

Ok, so I'm really not so good at blogging, mostly because I don't think anyone's reading.  :)  However, regardless of whether or not anyone reads this, I'm going to start a 30-day blog challenge (thanks for the idea, Jocelyn).  I'm going to have a standard "What I Saw on my Walk Today" post (because I'm trying to walk and do an ab routine every day for the next month just to see what happens) and another post a variety of topics.  We'll see what happens.  :)