Wow, I can't believe it's been two+ years since my last post. Motherhood definitely cuts into things you used to do but I love every minute of it. In fact, I loved it so much we've had two babies in two years! We are so grateful for our miracle babies, one an IVF miracle and the other a very unexpected (given all we had to do to get her older sister) surprise nine months later. M was born at the beginning of December 2012 and her sister C was born 18 months and one day later. I love them both to distraction.
I have not been as crafty as I once was, simply due to time constraints (and a toddler who likes to be a part of everything and a baby who doesn't go to bed until way too late to start a project) but I've been doing a little sewing, including a foray into repurposing my clothes into kid clothes. It actually worked fairly well, thank to fabulous online tutorials.
My arthritis retreated again during my second pregnancy (after a really nasty flare up a few months after the first) so I've enjoyed a respite that allowed me to crochet several afghans (including the white one in the photos with C), a hobby I've always enjoyed but haven't been able to pursue much.
This year I hope to delve deeper into photography again, I've missed using my big camera but with all the gear that comes with kids, camera phones are just so much more convenient. I did manage to do a little shoot today with each girl, one for M's second birthday portraits and the other for C's blessing portraits (both completed more than a month after the actual events but hey, it's better than never).
Jeremiah and I are finding the transition to parenthood means a lot less time together (duh) but are trying to find moments to spend with each other. I am also slowly (very slowly) warming to the idea getting babysitters on a regular basis so we can go on dates.
The cats are fine, they feel a little displaced and I'm a little/lot less amused by some of their antics (such as dropping dead things where the girls play) but they are and will always be a part of the family. The girls love them but they don't know that yet, they just hear gleeful screaming and see running feet or grabbing hands and head for the hills (or under our bed, to be precise).
And that's it for the update. We will see if this is something I continue or if it'll be another two years (but not two more kiddos, please, mommy needs a break and a chance to get her body back).